[the days are new...]
and bright, and sweet, sunny, and lovely.
as you are.
there is warmth in you like nowhere else.
and bright, and sweet, sunny, and lovely.
as you are.
there is warmth in you like nowhere else.
Posted by
12:31 AM
... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness… give me truth.
Posted by
5:25 PM
is absolutely incredible.
It's a great feeling (and unusually fulfilling) when epic stories like MGS come full circle like this. I'm not even half-done with the game and it ALREADY feels like everything and everyone's coming together.
It's in times like this when as a gamer you feel like your part of something big. Yeah, I'll be back for more. No time for a review and talk all technical about the game, just PLAY!!!
Posted by
4:15 PM
..has recently been added to my small collection of pets.
While I dream a lot of becoming a rockstar (who doesn't?!), I never have been any good at music. Can't play the guitar, or any other real musical instrument. My knowledge of playing the drums - which would be my instrument of choice in the unlikely scenario of me playing for a band - is limited to the stuff I get from my younger brother (who plays in a REAL band) and what little I get from Drummania.
So I got myself a cajon. Because (1) the old "office jamming cajon" has already left the building, (2) I'm convinced I can actually get better at this and (3) I think my kids in the future won't think their dad is badass if he can't even play one single musical instrument.
I can't play a full drum set to save my ass - bass and hi-hat/cymbals specifically - but who's to say I can't go for the alternative? A cajon doesn't make this easier for a guy playing percussion, but at least it makes things a bit easier :D
Posted by
8:00 PM
.. I got off a friend's blog. Basically grades how much you've gone around the country. Got a measly D :p
My Lakbayan grade is D!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.
Posted by
11:21 PM
.. should be a good idea. I think my obsession with the new camera is taking a turn for the uh.. more serious side. I'm starting to want a tripod. I NEED a tripod. Or more techniques for better hand control. Or maybe I should start taking diazepam - and gain a drug addiction! (kidding).
Posted by
3:14 PM
funny how I seem to only post stuff in my blog months in between. So what's been happening?
I've been trying to revive my Friendster account. That's one. I've started a Multiply account, because the office started a Multiply account and invited everyone to hop over. True enough they REALLY have a nice java based -I think- photo uploading interface that ACTUALLY works and is actually FAST. Besides the Multiply site, this particular Blogger blog (heh) needs some reviving as well. I miss the easier website tinkering Blogger offers.
On to bigger news. The office is now experiencing some major changes. Big news but I don't really feel like talking about it right now.
As for the comics, I guess now's not the time. we'll see.
On other news, last week I just got my Pentax K100D DSLR camera from Brian. And I'm loving it. You can probably tell by the bunch of (or BUTTloads) pictures I've been uploading in my Multiply account. Been having loads of fun with my new buddy.
My other buddy, the electric stove, has also been having its share of fun. Learning to cook is starting to become a new hobby.
As for my other other buddy, the PSP, Zack's already godlike in my Crisis Core save file. Done with MGS Portable Ops. Done with God of War. Next game to watch out for I guess is Dissidia Final Fantasy. Or maybe I should start playing Monster Hunter.
OK. Post too long. next time.
Posted by
11:37 PM