Monday, June 02, 2008

[a "cajon"]

..has recently been added to my small collection of pets.

While I dream a lot of becoming a rockstar (who doesn't?!), I never have been any good at music. Can't play the guitar, or any other real musical instrument. My knowledge of playing the drums - which would be my instrument of choice in the unlikely scenario of me playing for a band - is limited to the stuff I get from my younger brother (who plays in a REAL band) and what little I get from Drummania.

So I got myself a cajon. Because (1) the old "office jamming cajon" has already left the building, (2) I'm convinced I can actually get better at this and (3) I think my kids in the future won't think their dad is badass if he can't even play one single musical instrument.

I can't play a full drum set to save my ass - bass and hi-hat/cymbals specifically - but who's to say I can't go for the alternative? A cajon doesn't make this easier for a guy playing percussion, but at least it makes things a bit easier :D


Jane said...

"I can't play a full drum set to save my ass - bass and hi-hat/cymbals specifically -.."

Seriously, it's not that hard to play the drums since you're so obviously well coordinated on two sticks! Haha. Basically, every time you hit the crash cymbals you should step on the bass. They should be simultaneous (like hitting an opponent the same time your foot touches the ground =P ) The hi-hat is no biggie either, and yes you can practice without your own drum set. I learned by hitting pillows and tapping my foot (I remember an old friend who played really well -he learned by whacking phone directories). But that was waay before I got to play with bigger sticks.

I mean, hitting people who can hit you back is so much more difficult, right? What's a drum set to that? Hahaha YOU CAN play a full drum set, honestly it's not that difficult. =)

Drew said...

seriously? ...hmm. interesting.