Monday, January 02, 2006

[going back to normal]

Instructions: Copy and paste the first sentence(s) from your first entry of each month this past year. What better way to sum up your year and make a countdown to '06! [got this from Nikki]

January - April
haven't started blogging then :D

Took a lot of time for this blog to finish so I hope you like it. Since this is my first ever post, I guess I'll cover the basics first; about the site (err blog), who I am, and stuff like that.

I've been doing nothing but travel the big big ocean that is the web all week. Friggin comsci instructors just won't show up no matter how hard I look for them so I decided "to Jigoku with removals, I shall bum out instead and enjoy the last few days of summer. " And so I did.

Back to normal... life, that is. (nikki, pagaya ng style. just this once) The speed of how life's pace changes amazes me.

Yesterday, I decided to go buy a fresh supply of blank CDs from Greenhills on my way home from QC (from a todo-gimmick weekend at QC). While I was checking a few things out at 2RATS before buying blanks, I saw a DVD compilation of Beck - Mongolian Chop Squad.

Got the piano-only versions of her [Utada Hikaru] 2nd album songs and It just made my day. the entire collection is beautiful.

the Politics Quiz results.

Back in elbi... and somehow everything feels like it's back to normal.

The reality of how this country has been fixing the [SEA] games makes me sick.

"Back to normal" was mentioned twice (maybe more). Seem's getting things back to normal or trying to get things back to normal has been my theme for 2005. What was so "not right" or "normal" that I kept on trying to get things "back to normal"?

Yeah, I think I know... Hope she's doing fine now. Forgiven or not, it's past time I stopped looking back.

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