Monday, May 16, 2005

[post number one]

Took a lot of time for this blog to finish so I hope you like it. Since this is my first ever post, I guess I'll cover the basics first; about the site (err blog), who I am, and stuff like that.

About the blog, at first I actually wanted to call it "pen and sword, in accord" after remembering my editorial column back in high school and because it was the closest title i could think of that would fit the artwork . I eventually decided against it because I thought it would probably be too cliche. Unfortunately, at the time i was making the images for the blog title, it was already 3am, I drank too much coffee, too much C2, and was already missing lots of incorrect tags. Mind was already unstable. So i end up with "penCIL and sword, in accord" (i don't ink my artworks anymore. they're all done with lead. or graphite). Unintended joke yung title. I guess it just has something to do with my being an artist and also a martial arts enthusiast.

The font I used is called "bluecake" (favorite). the guy in the leftside navigation is supposed to be me (self-portait done without reference), only cooler :D The tribal designs just came out when i was drawing the other half, and everything else was done using Photoshop special brushes. The site was created using Dreamweaver MX. Naaliw lang talaga ako sa red smears that come out during mouseover :D Thought it was cool. Used Dreamweaver java scipt on that one. Had lots of debugging to do though on html editing. Head still hurts.
Overall, I like how it all turned out.

Actually, this is my second blog. The first one I abandoned (and deleted) because I didn't like the design. It didn't have anything in it anyway, so it's ok. It was called "fuzzy detail", after the name of my dream comic book label. The name comes from what some people called my artstyle, it looks fuzzy but is strangely detailed from a distance. It's the sketchy, fuzzy pencilling that creates the illusion of detail. ..if i remember right, i think it was Neil who said it. Anyway... my original plan for the blog was to create some sort of dream logbook. An idea I had in (haha) a dream. So what's the connection between my artstyle and my dreams? In a way, dreams also give you that fuzzydetail feeling. Anyway, I just wanted to share the stories of my wierd dreams to people. I easily forget my dreams so I bought a small notebook the other day and left it in my bed with a pen. So expect to read about some bizarre dreams in the future :)

I'm also planning on posting comic strips. I have a few ideas in mind pero hindi pa sigurado. Kaya saka na lang.

Ok, about me. Just click on the profile thingie on the left side for information :D I guess thats just about it for now. More next time.

1 comment:

Queenie said...

The lazy bitch remained lazy.